Belgrade, 16 September 2022 – UNDP completed the first ever geothermal resource research on the site of the SIV 3 building and began an identical survey on location of the Palace of Serbia. These surveys are conducted in partnership with the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Mining and Energy and in cooperation with the Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB). Preliminary research results confirmed that there is potential to apply geothermal power in these two buildings. The financial feasibility of this potential remains to be verified through a feasibility study.
Geothermal resource surveys provide an opportunity to estimate local potentials for the utilisation of underground waters and petro-geothermal resources as renewable energy sources for indoor heating and cooling, as well as sanitary water heating. This is also the first step in the energy rehabilitation of these buildings. It will be followed by the Building Energy Rehabilitation Feasibility Study that will include the scope, type and manner of use of the renewable energy source systems, to be supplemented later with appropriate technical documentation. Planned geothermal resource research will be completed by November 2022.
The application of geothermal power to provide for some of the energy needs of SIV 3 and Palace of Serbia buildings would help reduce primary power consumption and cut down CO2 emissions. It would also improve working conditions for the staff and enable savings on energy-related operating costs. Finally, it would address the rising need for introducing newer and cleaner energy sources, and contribute to the green transition of the Serbian economy and society.
The geothermal resource research conducted at the Palace of Serbia was made possible owing to financial support from the West Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) and CEB trust funds financed by the Slovak Republic and the Kingdom of Spain. The geothermal resource research at the SIV 3 building was financed from grants provided by the Government of the Slovak Republic via the UNDP fund.
These surveys are part of a series of preparatory activities aimed at improving energy efficiency in central government buildings. The activities represent first steps in the implementation of the € 40 million multi-annual programme, ‘Energy Efficiency in Central Government Buildings’, that will include 28 buildings.

UNDP Serbia