EU and UNDP Moldova support the piloting of a national programme entitled “Green House”
More than 100 households providing professional parental assistance services and family-type children’s homes will benefit from energy audits based on which works to improve energy efficiency will be carried out later. All these are possible thanks to the support of the European Union, offered in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, through the programme “Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
During the energy audits, technical information will be collected and will be identified potential measures of energy efficiency and capitalization of renewable energy sources to be applied to 100 households, selected among 374 social services providers which applied to the competition.
Greenhouse emissions from non-renewable energy resources will be reduced following the measures of this initiative, which include thermal insulation of exterior walls, floors and roofs, replacement of external windows and doors, installation of solar panels and collectors for domestic hot water, production of electricity, and installation of the interior lighting and heat supply systems.
The investments of EUR 500,000 in the energy efficiency of social service providers are a pilot phase of the “Green House” programme, which will be taken over and expanded at national level. The EU and UNDP will provide support for the institutionalization of the process, providing the authorities with expertise to create an accessible support tool for households.
With a total budget of EUR 10 million, the “Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova” programme contributes to the fight against climate change by reducing the impact of the energy crisis and to reversing the deepening of energy poverty.