Prof. Biljana Šćepanović, was born in 1973 in Titograd, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, where she completed primary and secondary school as a top-ranking student. She is the winner of numerous awards at national and federal competitions in the field of mathematics, physics, architecture and civil engineering.
She graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of University of Montenegro, with an average grade of 9.79, which was the highest academic achievement ever recorded at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Podgorica since its establishment. She was a holder of fellowship awarded to her by the Fund for Talented Students of Montenegro (from the fourth year of high school to the end of university undergraduate studies). Special awards – the Best Student Award presented on the occasion of Liberation of Podgorica (1992).
She continued her postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade – Department of Structures, field of specialisation: Technical Mechanics & Theory of Structures, obtaining her master’s degree in 2003, with average grade of 10.
In 2010, she obtained the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences from the University of Montenegro, as well as the title of Doctor of Science from the University of Granada, after defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “Analysis of eccentrically locally loaded steel I-girders” / “Estudio de vigas metálicas en I sometidas a cargas transversales excéntricas respecto del plano del alma”, as the first double-degree doctorate in Montenegro.
As a holder of national excellence scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of Science of Montenegro, during 2016/2017 she completed postdoctoral studies in the field of steel, aluminum and timber structures, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Granada.
She is an associate professor at the University of Montenegro in the field of steel, composite and timber structures, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and at the Faculty of Architecture. She was vice-dean at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and president of the Board for Doctoral Studies at the University of Montenegro.
Prof. Šćepanović was appointed as Minister of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro on April 28th, 2022.
She speaks English, Spanish and German. Plays accordion.