Hamdija Mujezin

Hamdija Mujezin

Hamdija Mujezin

Hamdija Mujezin is mechanical engineer with extensive experience in consulting and project implementation, who has dedicated his professional career to the preparation and implementation of projects aimed at solving issues of sustainable and low-carbon business and energy development. Today, he is in front of the United Nations Development Program in BiH (UNDP), as the project manager of “Catalyzing Environmental Finance for Low-Carbon Urban Development- URBANLED” project financially supported by GEF, “Inclusive Decarbonization Activity – IDA” project financially supported by the Government of Japan and the project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition Through Utilization of Solar Energy Potential in Bosnia and Herzegovina – SolarCET” financed by the Government of the Slovak Republic. Through the aforementioned three projects, UNDP is working on the establishment of market mechanisms, strategic and regulatory framework, and the preparation and implementation of infrastructure projects with the aim of establishing and developing a sustainable investment environment for the transition to low-carbon development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.